Leading SAFe® with Certified SAFe® Agilist (SA) Included With Enrollment

Delivered in partnership with Gold SPCT and Platform Level partner

Included with Your SAFe® Agilist (SA) Class

"Great session and enjoyed practical experience and knowledge of SAFe® 6.0" Gloria A. Polaris Software Labs LTD

We Guarantee your SAFe® Agilist (SA) Certification

With a near-perfect first time pass rate, we guarantee you will pass the SAFe® Agilist (SA) exam and become certified. If you do not pass the SAFe® SA exam the first time, you will be provided with free instructor assistance, and free course re-enrollment without limit. Review our complete no-nonsense exam pass guarantee.

Exam Fee for SAFe® Agilist Certification

Scheduling and taking your certification exam is a breeze with step-by-step instructions and the included SAFe® exam voucher. Your first exam attempt is included as part of the course registration fee (exam must be taken within 30 days of course completion).

Class Curriculum Approved by Scaled Agile

Each class will intensively cover widely accepted Agile methodologies, along with the latest Certified SAFe® Agilist (SA) curriculum reviewed and approved by Scaled Agile. Training will instill a comprehensive knowledge of Agile tools and techniques, and students will leave with a solid foundation in Agile principles.

Direct Access to Your Instructor

Similar to in-person classes, students may choose to engage with their instructor as much as they like. PMTraining students will have direct access to their instructor to answer questions, if they choose.

Extensive Study Tools Included with Every Class

Students will be provided with the most effective study tools available; including exam preparation tools and exercises, a comprehensive class workbook, presentation slides, and more.

Scaled Agile Class Support Team

We understand that students have questions outside of class hours. Aside from having direct access to your instructor, students will have a dedicated class support team that can assist with any concerns.

16 PDUs Credits from the Project Management Institute (PMI)

All SA classes are officially recognized by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and pre-approved for the 14 Professional Development Units (PDU) credits.

One Year certified Membership as a SAFe® Agilist

Included in your class fee is one year of membership as a SAFe® Agilist ($195 value). Your membership to Scaled Agile entitles you to resources including agile toolkits, How-to videos, community forums, events, and much more.