Certified SAFe® Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM) Exam Pass Guarantee

Delivered in partnership with Gold SPCT and Platform Level partner

Exam Pass Guarantee

Our Guarantee to You

Enroll in any of our live SAFe® classes, and we guarantee that you will become a Certified SAFe® Product Owner/Product Manager (POPM). SAFe® classes offered by PMTraining combine experienced instructors and proven curricula, with cutting edge online tools designed to help you pass. We are so confident, we guarantee you will become an Disciplined Agile Scrum Master after completing one of our classes.

Our Commitment to Quality

All classes and products offered by PMTraining are thoroughly reviewed to ensure quality and consistency. Content offered to students, both in-class and via our online systems, undergo continuous reviews and quality assessments.

Exam Pass Guarantee, SAFe® Training Delivered by Certified Experts

Schedule & Pricing

Our Exam Pass Guarantee
  • We guarantee that you will pass your SAFe® exam after completing a PMTraining Live Online Class.
  • Take the exam within 30 days of completing any Live Online SAFe® Class.
  • Attend all class days and complete all class assignments
  • If you do not pass the exam in three attempts (within 30 days) of attending a PMTraining Live Online Class, attend the class again for free.
  • If you fail the exam more than one time (rare), you will be invited to enroll in the class again, and provided instruction until you pass, free of charge.
  • Please submit SAFe® examination results to confirm re-enrollment.
Class Policies and Student Information
  • In rare occasions where a class cancellation occurs, we will issue an immediate and full refund of class fee paid, or enroll you in a future class with existing fees paid.
  • Full Refund Policy: Refund requests accepted within 5 calendar days of purchase of course. Refund requests are void after the start of original class date, or if the student has accessed class materials. Any refund request beyond 5 calendar days of purchasing the course will not be accepted and no refund will be provided.
  • Transfer Policy: Transfers to a different class following registration may incur a charge, depending on any promotions or price differences occurring at the time of the request. Our support team will review transfer requests on a case by case basis.